• Super Slots Mania Crazy by BrontoVerse
  • Community Rules and Guidelines

  • Welcome to Super Slots Mania Crazy by BrontoVerse!
  • Before diving into our vibrant community, please take a moment to familiarize yourself with our rules and guidelines. These are designed to create a positive and enjoyable experience for all users.

  • 1. Account Ownership:

  • User accounts are the property of BrontoVerse. Users do not own, buy, or sell accounts. Any attempt to transfer, share, or trade accounts is strictly prohibited. 

  • 2. Account Security:

  • Protect your account information. Do not share your password or personal details. BrontoVerse will never ask for your password.

  • 3. Cheating and Exploits:

  • Cheating, hacking, or exploiting bugs to gain an unfair advantage is strictly prohibited. This includes using third-party software or unauthorized modifications.
  • 4. Reporting Violations:

  • If you encounter a user violating our rules, please report it to our support team by email. Include relevant details and evidence if possible.
  • 5. Age Limit
  • The game is not allowed for ages under 18  , based in the State juridiction the limited age can be up to 22  .

  • 6. Lost Account And App Problems :
  • If user has lost access to his account or has problems with his account he need to contact our client support , and to write email to us by himself , and we will try to help .but if not the account is not recovered or the problem is not solved the user can freely open a new account  . This is for your safety, that no one can,t try to steal other users other account . If you already lost the email you registered in game you can not recover the account , if you lost the password becouse you cant send email confirmation to change the password and we cant verify ownership .
  •  Is not our fault if you do something wrong , our support will always try to help.
  • 6.1 Account data will be deleted if user log in for a second time 
  • The data saving of Balance (Coins ) and levels is active in the time account is active . Any time from inactivity not logged in the data will be auto deleted from account  .The account will stay active with all data if user have it installed , but if the user log in from another device data will not be saved , they are saved local only  . Do not worry , if you have any problem you can contact us by email with the same email having the problem .
  • 6.2User Acception of Rules
  • The users auto accepts RAG by using our game . 
  • 7. Updates and Changes:
  • BrontoVerse reserves the right to update or modify the rules. Users will be informed of significant changes. Continued use of the app implies acceptance of these changes.

  • 8. Consequences of Violation:

  • Violating these rules may result in warnings, temporary suspensions, or permanent account bans. The severity of consequences depends on the nature and frequency of violations.

  • By using Super Slots Mania by BrontoVerse, you agree to abide by these rules and guidelines. Thank you for contributing to a positive and enjoyable community!


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