Community Rules and Guidelines
- GFAI by BrontoVerse
- Community Rules and Guidelines
- Welcome to GirlFriendAI by BrontoVerse!
- Before diving into our vibrant community, please take a moment to familiarize yourself with our rules and guidelines. These are designed to create a positive and enjoyable experience for all users.
- 1. Account Ownership:
User accounts are the property of BrontoVerse. Users do not own, buy, or sell accounts. Any attempt to transfer, share, or trade accounts is strictly prohibited.- 2. Respect and Tolerance:
Treat AI with respect and kindness. Harassment, hate speech, discrimination, or any form of offensive behavior is not tolerated. This includes but is not limited to, content that is sexist, racist, or otherwise discriminatory.- 3. Account Security:
- Protect your account information. Do not share your password or personal details. BrontoVerse will never ask for your password or email . Be careful from imitators and protect your account .Every message you sent to AI is deleted after you close the app .
- 4. Cheating and Exploits:
Cheating, hacking, or exploiting bugs to gain an unfair advantage is strictly prohibited. This includes using third-party software or unauthorized modifications.- 5. User Conduct:
Engage in positive and constructive discussions. Avoid spamming, trolling, or disruptive behavior with AI , use only for things you need help or are interested with.
- 6. Lost Account And App Problems :
- If user has lost access to his account or has problems with his account he need to contact our client support , and to write email to us by himself , and we will try to help .but if not the account is not recovered or the problem is not solved the user can freely open a new account . This is for your safety, that no one can,t try to steal other users other account . If you already lost the email you registered in game you can not recover the account , if you lost the password becouse you cant send email confirmation to change the password and we cant verify ownership .
- Is not our fault if you do something wrong , our support will always try to help.
- 7. Updates and Changes:
- BrontoVerse reserves the right to update or modify the rules. Users will be informed of significant changes. Continued use of the app implies acceptance of these changes.
- 8. Consequences of Violation:
Violating these rules may result in warnings, temporary suspensions, or permanent account bans. The severity of consequences depends on the nature and frequency of violations.
9. About The AI
AI is not a physical person . Not a individual . The girlfriend ai is virtual . And its made only to help emotionally and has its limits .
- By using GirlFriendAI by BrontoVerse, you agree to abide by these rules and guidelines. Thank you for contributing to a positive and enjoyable community!
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